Digital Age

We all are living in a digital age being influenced by modern information technologies where everything, that has been so familiar during the years, now turned into the e - world.

Improving The Technology

Our technology is improve day to day.

Windows Operating System

Windows is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.

Network Security

Network Security gives an overview of network security issues, looks at several of the most representative security problems, and investigates commonly practiced solutions.

Multimedia on the Web

Multimedia on the Web introduces the basics of web communication, webpage function, and design. Students become familiar with digital media including graphics, animation, video, and sound, and use software to create interactive multimedia documents.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Visual C# 2010

Visual C# 2010

File Size - 14.16MB

Tuesday, August 20, 2019



File Size- 4.05MB

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Adobe Photoshop CS4

Adobe Photoshop CS4

File Size- 20.00MB

Monday, August 12, 2019



File Size- 20.25MB

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sib Font Editor v2.23 with Serial Key

 Sib Font Editor v2.23 with Serial Key

Designing bitmap fonts is a very creative and exciting process.Typographers and graphic designers earn a living by creating fonts,regular users do it as an interesting way to express themselves.Both professionals and beginners need the software that will allowthem to start off right away with high efficiency and reachimpressive results. Sib Font Editor meets theserequirements. It contains all the features necessary to createfully-fledged bitmap fonts.

Rich Functionality:
Sib Font Editor supports .fnt and .fon bitmap fonts. It can save afont of one type to another and also can add a font to one more.fon file. With the help of export and import features, you caninsert bitmap images as symbols and save a given symbol into abitmap file. The tool can quickly change font properties, includingname, copyright, symbol width, height, zero level, index of thefirst and the last symbol. You can also view the font’s header atany time.

Simple Controls and Convenient Interface:
The creators of Sib Font Editor put a special emphasis on providingusers with a comfortable working experience. The software comeswith a set of drawing tools that will considerably enhance yourdesign abilities. If a symbol includes some geometric figures, youcan swiftly add them to complete a symbol. Copy and pasteoperations along with Undo and Redo functions add more comfort. Theflip effect allows mirroring a symbol both vertically andhorizontally. All the features are carried out with simple mousecontrols, so making a font is a piece of cake!

Boundless Space for Your Flight of Fancy:
Sib Font Editor will benefit both professionals and beginners. Withthis software, you will easily and quickly put your ideas intopractice. It is designed to let your imagination develop freelywhile you make fonts. You’ll be able to create most sophisticatedbitmap fonts smoothly and easily. Enjoy the intuitive controls, avariety of features and be productive!

Here are some key features of “Sib FontEditor”:
– Creating and editing .fnt and .fon bitmap fonts
– Quick export and import of particular font symbols
– Changing font properties whatever you like


  • Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
File Size:


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